Smaply 3.0 Helpdesk
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First steps with Smaply 3.0

Personal workspace and shared accounts

On the dashboard, you will find an overview of all your workspaces.

dashboard overview in Smaply

Personal workspace:

In Smaply 3.0, each user has their own personal workspace. It’s designed for your personal projects or as a sandbox to experiment with new ideas. As the name suggests, your personal workspace is private; however, there are two ways to share your work with others:

  • You can directly invite users to journey maps and templates within your personal workspace. For more information on inviting users to journey maps, click here.
  • You can copy journey maps and templates to other workspaces.

Shared accounts:

If you've been invited to a shared account, you'll see both your personal workspace and the account's workspaces on the dashboard. Workspaces of a shared account are meant for collaborative projects and can accommodate multiple users. Different roles can be assigned to users at various levels within accounts. For more details on user roles, refer to user roles.


Within each shared account, there can be multiple workspaces. Workspaces, recognizable by the folder icon, are designed to be used by different teams or for different projects within the company. 

workspaces and organizations

Workspaces store your journey maps, templates, and opportunity portfolio. You can easily duplicate journey maps and templates not only within the same workspace but also across different workspaces and accounts.

Journey Maps:

Journey maps are the core of Smaply, allowing you to craft compelling narratives. Discover more about journey maps, empowering your teams to create consistent, visually engaging stories.

grey background with multiple journey-titles to click on


Templates are your time-saving secret weapon. Create them directly from the templates section or transform existing journey maps. Just click "copy to templates" from the dropdown menu in the dashboard's journey map list. This way, your team can maintain consistency. 

possibility to choose templates in smaply


In the portfolio, track and manage your workspace's opportunities, pain points, and solutions. Compare them, filter for journey maps, and create or edit opportunities directly from this central hub. Learn more about managing opportunities here.

a graph visualizing opportunities as colorful dots on gray background


This section displays all your favorite journey maps and templates from your personal space and accounts you are part of. To add a journey map to your favorites, simply click the star icon next to the title in the journey map list on the dashboard or within the journey map editor.

Shared with me:

In this section, you'll find all the journey maps other people invited you to via email but where you aren't a part of the corresponding workspace or account. These maps might live within another user’s personal space or workspace.

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Smaply Helpdesk

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