The journey map (1):
The journey map is the heart of the journey map editor. It comprises lanes, columns, and cards, allowing you to drag and drop elements anywhere.
Lane information (2):
Positioned on the left, the lane info provides detailed information about lanes and their contents.
Top-left corner (3):
- Smaply logo: Brings you back to the dashboard
- Title: Change the journey map title via the journey info button
- Filter: Enables you to show/hide lanes and personas, and soon, also filter for tags
- Views: Save views and make them available to your team
Top-right icons from left to right (4):
- User role: Indicates your role in this journey map as either admin, editor, or viewer
- Star: Add this map to your favorites
- Journey info: Allows you to change the title, add descriptions, set the performance indicator, and assign a journey coordinator
- Export: Export your journey map to PDF format
- Manage users: Allows you to invite others to collaborate on this journey map
- Profile settings: Edit your username, add/edit your full name, and change your user icon’s color.
Card details panel (5):
- Add more detail to your cards, depending on the card type there are different editing options. Double-click on a card to open the details panel.