July 30, 2020

Free toolkit: journey mapping

Dig into the methods and practice of journey mapping and improving experiences with cheat sheets, case studies and other learning resources.

journey mapping toolkit

In our free journey mapping toolkit we have collected some of the best contents of our blog for you to save and share with others. Learn about the methods and tools of journey maps, personas and stakeholder maps.

Basics of personas

The toolkit introduces you to personas and shows how to create them and work with them.

  • A cheat sheet on the basic aspects of a persona
  • A template of a persona that you can print out and use in a pen an paper workshop
  • An example of a persona

Basics of journey mapping

Learn what a journey map is, what it is useful for, and how to create one.

  • A cheat sheet on the basic aspects of a journey map
  • A template of a journey map that you can print out and use in a pen an paper workshop
  • An example of a journey map

Basics of stakeholder mapping

Learn about stakeholder ecosystems and how to analyze stakeholder connections on maps.

  • A cheat sheet on the basic aspects of a stakeholder map
  • Templates for stakeholder maps that you can print out and use in a pen an paper workshop
  • An example of a stakeholder map

We assembled a list with the top digital journey map apps here, in case you're looking for a digital solution.

Case studies

  • case studies from different industries to share with others
  • tool guides on how to create journey maps with Smaply
Download the toolkit now!

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