Smaply 3.0 Helpdesk
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First steps with Smaply 3.0

Keyboard shortcuts

These shortcuts help you navigate Smaply efficiently and improve your workflow.


  • Windows: Ctrl + Z
  • Mac: Cmd + Z


  • Windows: Ctrl + Y
  • Mac: Cmd + Y

Pointer: V

Hand tool: H

Card tool: C

Zoom in:

  • Windows: +, =, Ctrl + =
  • Mac: +, =

Zoom out:

  • Windows: -, Ctrl + -
  • Mac: -

Zoom to 100%: Ctrl + 0

Delete card: Backspace, Delete

Expand card: Right Arrow

Contract card: Left Arrow

Duplicate card

  • Windows: Ctrl + D
  • Mac: Cmd + D

Shortcuts for different card types:

Text card: T

Image card: I

Channel card: C

Emotion card: E

Stage card: S

Opportunity card: O

Pain point card: P

Solution card: N

Map link card: J

Hand mode: Spacebar

Exit current mode: Esc

We are here to help
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Smaply Helpdesk

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