Editorial piece
written by
Marc Stickdorn
August 2023

This is Service Design Thinking & Doing

Yes, we're the people behind the books, TISDT and TISDD. In this article, we share how the books and the software Smaply connect. Get to know us!

The books

This is Service Design Thinking

It all started with Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider coming together and deciding to write a book about a fairly new mindset: service design.

The book "This is Service Design Thinking" (#TISDT) was published and became the guiding literature for people working in the field of service design. It was sold 120,000+ times, all over the world, and was translated to 7 languages.

TISDT caused many "Aha!"-moments for people who've been practicing service design without knowing what it was.

This is Service Design Doing

After having set a baseline with TISDT, the next book was intended to focus on practice: "This is Service Design Doing" (#TISDD) followed few years later.

This time, the TISDT co-authors Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider teamed up with Marcus Hormeß and Adam Lawrence from the consultancy WorkPlayExperience. Together with a large group of folks from the service design community they crafted a handbook full of introductions to the methods and tools of service design.

View the TISDT/TISDD website

This is Service Design Methods

Well, actually this should have become part of TISDD book, but it would have exceeded the intended number of pages. So the authors made it a stand-alone piece, a collection of service design methods and detailed descriptions.

Download the TISDD Method Library for free

The software

Now where does the software Smaply enter the field?

After having published TISDT in 2010, Marc and Jakob learned that there was no software that helped people practicing service design and journey mapping.

Said, done.

Together with a skilled international team they developed the first journey mapping tool on the market: Smaply. Today, Smaply is an internationally used software for customer journey mapping & journey management, used from small companies to large enterprises for the creation, presentation, and project management around CX.

By the way, you may also have heard of ExperienceFellow: the mobile ethnography app, rooted in a university project from Marc, was developed alongside Smaply, intended to help service designers gather the journey data they needed.

Written by
Marc Stickdorn

Marc is co-founder and CEO of Smaply, as well as co-author of the award-winning books 'This is Service Design Thinking' and 'This is Service Design Doing'. He gives talks and workshops on service design and innovation all over the world, teaches at various business and design schools.